Monday, February 17, 2014

"Preaching from the Pit" 2/17/14

What is one of the most precious qualities a pastor can have? I used to think love and love alone. That then transferred to a passion for God's Word and the Gospel. All of these must be present without a doubt, but the conduit that they must flow through without hindrance is empathy. A pastor must be empathetic toward his congregation. They are not perfect as he is not perfect. Sympathy can lack depth and apathy is appalling. An empathetic pastor is one who longs to know his congregation and minister to them all the while remembering his own sinfulness and weaknesses.This will create a constant thirsting for the quenching of grace and mercy. I believe that this also translates to every Christian as well so ... every where the word "pastor" is substitute it with "Christian," or even your own name.

Sympathy will find its legs to walk once empathy has taken its time in crawling.